EcoBlend Grass Seed

ECO-BLEND is specially designed for lawns managed organically, without the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers or chemical pesticides. Eco-Blend is the product of 20 years’ research with various blends of grass seeds in an attempt to find the survivors that perform well with minimal input. Eco- Blend is made with seed cultivars selected for their improved stress tolerance and reduced fertility needs. The Ecoblend contains the following:
35% Bladerunner Tall Fescue
15% Longfellow II Chewings Fescue
15% Applaud II Perennial Ryegrass
15% Spartan II Hard Fescue
9.75% Blue Sapphire Kentucky Bluegrass
10% Navigator Red Fescue
0.25% Highland Colonel Bentgras
15% Longfellow II Chewings Fescue
15% Applaud II Perennial Ryegrass
15% Spartan II Hard Fescue
9.75% Blue Sapphire Kentucky Bluegrass
10% Navigator Red Fescue
0.25% Highland Colonel Bentgras
Area For Use: North of the Mason Dixon line.
Rate: 5-7 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.
When To Plant: Apr 1 - Jun 10 or Aug 1 - Oct 1.
Notes: Overseeding (slit seeding 2½#1000 sq ft) (top seeding 3¼# 1000 sq ft).